NEBWG is comprised of individuals representing a number of organizations, companies, and government entities. Members include many of the leading bat researchers in the Northeast US, along with several other individuals with interest in the research, recovery, and education about bats. Past annual meetings have consisted of representatives from the following organizations:
Alliance Consulting, Inc.
American Museum of Natural History
Antioch University
Barton and Loguidice
Bat World NOVA
Bat World Pocono
Bat Conservation and Management, Inc.
Bat Conservation International
BATS Research Center
Biodiversity Research Institute ME
Bucknell University
Center for Biological Diversity
Civil and Environmental Consultants
Community Energy, Inc.
Connecticut Dept. of Envionmental Protection
Conserve Wildlife Foundation NJ
Copperhead Environmental Consulting
Delaware State University
Delaware Tech Community College
Devine Tarbell & Associates
East Stroudsburg University
Fort Drum Military Installation
Franklin Pierce College
Garnet Valley School District
Golder Associates
Green Mountain & Finger Lakes National Forests
Gress Engineering
Maine Dept. of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife
Maryland Department of Natural Resources
National Speleological Society
Northeast Wildlife DNA Laboratory, E.S.U. PA
New York NYS DEC

New York Natural Heritage Program
New Jersey Fish and Wildlife, ENSP
North East Ecological Services
NortheastCave Conservancy
Ohio Metro Parks, Serving Summit County
Philadelphia Zoo
POZ Environmental
Pennsylvania DCNR, Bureau of Forestry
Pennsylvania Game Commission, NE Region
Pennsylvania Game Commission
Pennsylvania State University
Pittsburgh Wildlife and Environmental, Inc.
Sanders Environmental Inc.
Save Lucy
Skelly and Loy, Inc. PA
The Eads Group
The Nature Conservancy
Titley Scientific
Trident Environmental Consultants
Univ. of MD Center for Env. Sci., Appalachian Lab.
University of Vermont
U.S. Army Picatinny Arsenal
U.S.D.A., Forest Service
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service Patuxent Research Refuge
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service New York
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service State College
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service West Virginia
U. S. Forest Service
Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department
Virginia Department of Game and Fisheries
Virginia Tech
West Chester University
West Virginia Department of Highways
West Virginia Department of Natural Resources
Western EcoSystems Technology, Inc.
Wildlife Acoustics
William Patterson University
Wesleyan University